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FREE: Sample IEP Meeting Request Letter
Did you know that at any time during the school year, a parent can request an IEP meeting to discuss their concerns, suggest revisions to the IEP document, etc.? A parent may make a written request for an IEP meeting as needed; federal law does not limit the amount of IEP meetings you may request per year.
Use this FREE template today!
FREE: Practical Tips for Creating a Strength-Based Learning Environment (Early Learners)
1-page pdf download, perfect for preschool, TK, or kindergarten teachers, staff, etc. Learn how to build an inclusive learning environment so that all students can thrive!
Summer Engagement and Self Advocacy Tips for Neurodiverse Children
As the Summer season approaches, many families experience questions around summer engagement and enrichment opportunities. Get a jumpstart on the season by preparing yourself and your Neurodiverse child with these helpful tools and tips!
Partner this helpful handout with the Autism Family Care Planner to level up your parenting toolbox!
What to Expect Through the IEP Process
Is your IEP Meeting coming soon? Not sure what to expect? Or, do you just want to learn more about special education?
Find out more about IEP timelines and how your team should be working together to support your child at school.
IEP Basics: Accommodations vs. Modifications
Are you parenting a neurodiverse child and struggling to navigate the special education system in California? Do you wish you knew more about resources available for your child? Here is the guide for you! Learn all about IEP accommodations versus modifications. Find out which ones are appropriate for your child and be an informed advocate for your child's educational needs at school.
IEP Parent Input Statement Tips
Creating an effective Parent Input Statement can be challenging, but with this clear and concise guide, you'll receive helpful tips on how to construct a quality parent input statement for your child's IEP.
The Parent Input Statement is your opportunity to be the expert! Express and Empower yourself to support your Neurodivergent child! Your seat at the IEP table is ready and waiting!!
Partner the IEP Parent Input Statement Tips with the IEP Goals Tips Sheet and the Strengths-Based IEP Guide for Parents to level up your IEP understanding and support!!
IEP Goals Tips
Empower yourself as you navigate your child's IEP!!
With this helpful and informative guide you'll receive tips on developing quality goals, IDEA law references, and samples/examples of the benefits of effective goal writing.
Partner this information with the Strengths-Based IEP Guide for Parents to level up your parenting toolbox!
Understanding Special Education Assessments
What is an IEP? How are initial assessments performed to qualify for Special Education? How do I know if we've received a quality assessment?
Receive answers to all your IEP and assessment questions with this informative document that offers insight about the special education assessment process for initials, triennials, and IEEs.
Empower yourself with the knowledge and information to best support your Neurodivergent child/teen!! Partner this guide with the IEP Goals Tip Sheet to level up your IEP toolbox.
IEP Transition Points
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act mandates a process involving transition planning for all students who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) in K-12 education with the purpose to facilitate the student’s move from school to post-school activities.
Utilize this quick guide on IEP transition points that discusses preschool, elementary, middle school, high school and beginning adulthood.
IEE Request Letter Template
An IEE is an Independent Educational Evaluation, where professionals in the community evaluate a student when there is disagreement or lingering questions after a school evaluation. Parents/caregivers can request an IEE in any area of concern at "district/public expense".
Use this letter to make your IEE request to receive a "second opinion" during the IEP process.
Strength-Based IEPs: A Resource Guide for Parents
Utilize this 4-page informative resource guide on fostering strength-based IEPs for autistic students. Learn how to shift the conversation from deficits-based language to weaving in a students strengths, interests, preferences, learning styles, etc. into the IEP document.
Discover helpful strategies that EMPOWER you as you take your seat at the IEP table!
Level up your parenting toolbox by partnering this guide with the IEP Parent Input Statement Tips and IEP Goals Tips Sheet.
CC IEPs for Professionals: A Resource Guide
Do families come to you with IEP questions? Wish you had the answers? Just want to learn more about IEPs? This 6-page resource guide is a powerful support for you as strive to empower yourself and families of students with unique needs.
Topics covered include:
- What is a strength-based IEP?
- What is the legal foundation for the IEP process?
- How can we facilitate true student progress?
- and more...